My 2016 New Year Theme
I love to start my new year with a theme in mind. In 2014, my theme was Patience & Perseverance. In 2015, my theme was Flow. This year, I have two themes, one theme to guide my daily life and another to guide the big picture of my year.
Theme #1: Consistency
Consistency is so important. I strongly believe that small steps taken every day will get you far. I'd like to get consistent on my daily habits: writing morning pages, meditating, exercising, and reading at least 10 pages each day. These are my four foundational habits. Once I can lock these in, then I can start adding more habits to my routine. But these four are what I'd like to focus on first, to build my life from there.
Theme #2: Be Bold
Last year, I felt like I got a bit too comfortable at times. This year, I really want to push myself more to take risks and get uncomfortable. I want to step out of my comfort zone—to go out into the world more and interact with new people & new environments. Instead of working alone all of the time, I'd like to collaborate more, start volunteering, and plan more adventures. I want to push the boundaries of what I believe I can achieve, to continue to improve and innovate in my work and life.
GIVEAWAY | how to enter
NOTE: Giveaway is currently closed.
Prize ▸ Happiness Pendant by Mejuri
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- Comment with your theme for 2016!
- One winner will be chosen by January 21, 2016. ^_^
Wishing you all the best with your endeavors! What is your theme for 2016?

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.