Master Your Mindset: 7 Shifts & Habits | Dream Life Series #1

In order to make your dream life a reality, you first have to master your mindset. To get the journal prompts that go along with this video, Sign up for the Dream Life Series here.

Creating your dream life begins with having the right MINDSET. Here are seven mindset shifts and habits you need to master in order to set your dream life in motion and find success in your journey. I've learned to rewire my mindset over time – and I'm still learning to do so. There's always more to master, but these 7 habits are a great place to start.

7 Mindset Shifts & Habits

  1. Believe in yourself
  2. Take 100% responsibility for your life
  3. Cultivate a “growth mindset”
  4. Have a positive perspective on your journey
  5. Listen to your intuition
  6. Develop an endurance mindset: commitment, patience, perseverance
  7. Practice self love

Mentioned resources


The Dream Life Series is a FREE 10-part video and email course with worksheets & journal prompts to guide you step-by-step on how you can create your dream life.

This series will give you the tools and strategies you'll need to take control of your life and steer it in any direction you choose.

At the end of the series, you'll have more clarity, direction, and motivation to create your best life.

You can join the Dream Life Series here.

If you post about this series on social media, use the hashtags #DreamLifeSeries and #lavendaire so we can see & share your post!

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How much do you really know about yourself?

Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.

2025 Artist of Life Workbook
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