My Vision Boards: What’s Come True & What Hasn’t

Reflecting on my vision boards from 2012-2019 to see what's come true and what hasn't! I also share my first ever Current Me vs. Future Me exercise that I made eight years ago and how much I've changed since then. Each year, I'm amazed to find myself becoming more and more like my ideal self and living my dream life.
It might seem obvious looking at my life now, but back then, this was all a far-off dream to me. I want to remind you that I also had to start somewhere and experience my fair share of struggles before I created my current mindset and life. I've learned so much along the way and the journey doesn't end here.
I hope you take what you can from these tools to create your own dream life, starting today 🙂
More videos on vision boards & exercises
- how to make a vision board
- DIY: grid vision board
- 2020 Current Me vs. Future Me (PLAN WITH ME)
- how to plan your dream life
- Follow my pinterest for visual ideas & inspiration!
- my chanel bag was bought secondhand from fashionphile

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.