225: Living with Purpose – Ancient Chinese Wisdom for Modern Times w/ Sylvie Tran

Do you ever feel like there's something missing in your life? Are you searching for a deeper sense of meaning and fulfillment? You're not alone. Many people struggle with finding their purpose and understanding their place in the world. In this podcast, Aileen talks to another lavi love Sylvie Tran about her journey to becoming a healing practitioner and how the Ancient Chinese Wisdom helps her discover her purpose in life.

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On Healing & The Power of Perspective

Sharing my thoughts on healing, perspective, forgiveness and acceptance after a journaling session.

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224: Emotional Wellness, Toxic Positivity, & Trauma w/ Whitney Goodman

Living a healthy, balanced life requires having good emotional health. Unfortunately, many people overlook this crucial element, and most of the time we hardly understand what is actually beneficial or not, like toxic positivity. In today's episode, we focus on how to take care of our emotional self, toxic positivity, dysfunctional family patterns, and understanding the definition of trauma on a higher level. Join us today in this information-packed episode with Whitney Goodman and learn more about emotional wellness to live a better life.

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223: Figuring Out Life In Your 20s w/ Teresa Fong

Have you ever felt lost and unsure of what life has in store for you? In today's episode highlighting our community, Aileen talks to lavi love Teresa Fong about her experience of feeling lost and floating through life for years until she discovered a career she loves and a life full of meaningful connections.

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How to Stop Doom Scrolling | Tips to Break Your Social Media Addiction

How to break your social media or phone addiction, so you can stop scrolling and start living your life.

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222: Navigating Impostor Syndrome and Achieving Your Dream Life with Samantha van der Sluis

When you're going after a big dream, challenges are inevitable. And one of these challenges is that you will have to deal with impostor syndrome.

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10 Minute Guided Meditation for Positive Energy, Peace & Light

Enjoy this 10 min meditation for positive energy, peace and light, including full body relaxation, visualization and positive affirmations.

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221: How Tarot Can Change Your Life with Stefanie Caponi

Have you ever questioned why certain things happened at a certain point in your life? Have you ever been curious about how tarot or astrology works? While we can’t depend on tarot or astrology to predict the future, we can use it to improve our wellbeing. Today we talk with Stefanie Caponi about leaning into the unknown and how tarot can help you strengthen your intuition and grow.

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How to Know What You Want to Do in Life | Choose Your Career

How do you figure out what you want to do with your life? How do you choose a career path? Today I share all the lessons & factors to help you figure out what to do, as well as how I knew what I wanted to do with my life.

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