How to Raise Your Self Esteem & Confidence (HOT GIRL ERA)
Let's talk about how to boost your self confidence, self esteem, and enter your hot girl era!
Money Affirmations: Attract Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth
Enjoy these positive affirmations for money, wealth, abundance and prosperity.
198: Smart Sex Toys & Sexually Liberating Women w/ Anna Lee
Female sexuality is widely misunderstood, under-researched, and, for many women, a source of great frustration and shame. Anna Lee works tirelessly to create the change we so desperately need. From busting misogynistic myths to helping women in their 70s experience their first orgasm, Anna uses tech engineering to close the orgasm gap. Through data, she … Read more
197: Sound, Spirituality & Frequency Healing w/ Erin Eber
Have you ever seen water ripple in response to sound? Well, this happens because water is highly susceptible to oscillating frequencies. And since humans are 99% molecularly water, frequency and sound have an incredible impact on our bodies and brains. Science is still only scratching the surface on the healing power of frequencies, but healer … Read more
Sound Bath Guided Meditation | Sound Healing & Deep Relaxation (20 Min)
Enjoy this guided sound bath meditation & sound therapy experience with crystal singing bowls by the lovely Leeor Alexandra.
196: Changes, Growing Pains and Finding Peace w/ Amy Lee
Growing is painful. Change comes with grief, loss, and fear. But choosing yourself despite the discomfort is the most radical act of self-love. Amy Lee is living proof of this truth. Through her brave and vulnerable journey of self-discovery, she teaches us that it’s okay to feel scared. Give yourself time and space to heal. … Read more
5 Life Lessons I Learned from My Mom
Sharing life lessons from my Asian, refugee, single mom and how she's influenced me as a person & my outlook on life.
195: Burnout, Boundaries and Work-life Balance w/ Emily Ballesteros
Do you have trouble remembering the last month? Is saying “no” really hard for you? Do you sometimes even wish you were sick so you could rest? These are all possible signs of burnout, a condition of mismanaged stress for an extended period of time. If this is you, there is hope. Burnout survivor, Emily … Read more
194: Sensuality, Sexuality and Divine Feminine Energy w/ Anjua Maximo
In a culture dominant in divine masculine energy, focused on drive, logic, and brains, many of us have lost touch with our divine feminine energy, our innate body’s wisdom, intuition, and connection to the heart. Anjua Maximo shares the power of sensual embodiment in our healing journey. Close your eyes, listen to the music and … Read more
193: Dreams, Failures & Never Giving Up w/ Viet Nguyen
“You can’t fail if you never give up.” This is chef Viet Nguyen’s motto, a mantra that has seen him through incredible hardship and into inspiring success. From working as an exchange student to living in his car, Viet Nguyen will stop at nothing to make his dreams come true. He is a firm believer … Read more
My Workout Routine | Fitness Vlog
Fitness vlog sharing my workout routine and how I'm staying committed and consistent with my health goals. All my workouts are at-home using youtube videos, so I'm excited to share my favorite videos & resources in this post!
190: Astrology for Healing, Business & Self Acceptance w/ Chani Nicholas
Life is a chaotic circus. One minute things could feel great, and the next things could seem absolutely awful. Amidst it all you might have asked yourself “What am I even doing?” and “Do I even have free will?” Chani Nicholas shares how astrology can help us cope with uncertainty, nurture self-acceptance and reveal our … Read more
Day in My Life: A Healing Vlog
It's been a while since I made a day in my life vlog! Here's a glimpse into my life as a creator, my new room decor, daily routine, and lessons I've learned from healing through breathwork.
189: Reinvent Your Identity & Make Decisions for Yourself w/ Maddy Park
Following someone else’s career path may be stable, but is that really your passion or true self? Maddy Park talks about her upbringing and how that formed her career from dentistry to content creation.
Powerful Positive Morning Affirmations: Start Your Day with Bright, Beautiful Energy
Powerful positive affirmations for self love, gratitude, confidence & joy.

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.