Black Lives Matter & humanity's current lessons
“In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be antiracist.” – Angela Davis
156: Defining Yourself & Dealing With the Seasons of Life w/ Emily Capshaw
“So, what do you do?” A simple question that everyone asks, but so many of us don't feel confident answering – especially if you're a creative. Emily Capshaw does it all (acting, writing, filmmaking, and more) and she can assure you: It's okay to not be defined by a single identity.
155: Build Happier, Healthier & Lasting Relationships w/ Monica Berg
It's time to rethink what you know about love. Today we have Monica Berg on the show to talk about adapting to change, building radical accountability with yourself, shattering the illusions in your relationship, and what it looks like to actually love someone unconditionally.
Plan With Me: June 2020 (Interactive)
Plan with me in this new interactive monthly planning series! Together we'll do a monthly review, reflecting on May, then plan our monthly goals for June. This process will help you stay organized and accountable towards your goals.
154: Human Design: Discover Your Potential w/ Erin Claire Jones
If you're fascinated by self discovery tools like the MBTI or the enneagram, this episode is perfect for you. We have Erin Claire Jones on the show to teach us about Human Design: an intricate tool to help you navigate life with more harmony and alignment to what feels right.
153: How to Become Trigger-Proof w/ Dr. Nima Rahmany
When was the last time you felt safe enough to be 100% yourself around other people? If you can't answer that question, try this one: When was the last time you created that sense of safety for others? We have Dr. Nima Rahmany to talk about stress, healing, and managing your triggers.
How to Figure Out What to Do With Your Life: 7 Helpful Exercises
Feeling lost or wondering “what should I do with my life?” Here are 7 exercises to help you figure out what to do with your life!
152: Understanding COVID-19 through Astrology w/ AstroTwin Tali Edut
This might be hard to believe, but: Astrology might have predicted the current pandemic. We have astrologer Tali Edut on the show to break down what the planets reveal about our ‘new normal' and how millennials and Gen Z are working to guide our potential future.
Essentialism: How to Do Less & Have More Impact
Freedom is knowing the power of doing less. Today I'm excited to share how to do less & prioritize your life, which is essentially teaching you how to design your life around what matters to you. You'll get a chance to self reflect & answer some journal prompts in this video to help you figure … Read more
151: Dealing with Coronavirus Anxiety w/ Therapist Kati Morton
You know I'm all about personal growth, but I can also admit: Sometimes self help isn't enough. Especially now, some of us need more than self help to feel okay – and that's okay. Today, therapist Kati Morton is on the show to talk about caring for your mental health, especially in a pandemic.
Night Routine: Unwind With Me (skincare, stretching, relaxing)
Sharing my night time routine & some relaxing things to do before bed!
150: Self Healing, Breathwork & Living Your Truth w/ Leeor Alexandra
Now more than ever, we all need to be mindful of our energy: Control your time on social media. Pull away from the noise. Protect yourself – especially my fellow empaths. Spirituality YouTuber Leeor Alexandra is on the show sharing her top practices for living a conscious life.
how to enjoy being alone
How to enjoy being alone & things you can do to feel better. It's easy to feel lonely while in self isolation or quarantine, since we're physically disconnected from people and the world. This is an opportunity to go inward and discover, to find joy in the little things, and fall in love with yourself.
149: How to Glow Up w/ Alivia D'Andrea
If you've ever hit rock bottom, you know there are only two types of thoughts that go through your head while you're there: 1) This is the end, or 2) This is the beginning. Today's guest, Alivia D'Andrea, is sharing her rock bottom journey, from falling down to glowing up.
real time journal with me (20 min timer + background noise)
Let's try something different! Here's a peaceful ASMR journaling video that you can play while you journal, study, work, etc.
148: Living a More Authentic Life w/ Natalie Alzate of Natalies Outlet
Have you ever felt like you had to put on a mask for people? Like you've created a ‘character' for others that just isn't the real you? Today's guest knows that exact feeling: Natalie Alzate is showing her more authentic self on YouTube with over 10m subscribers, after 5 long years.
quarantine vlog: life at home & what i've been doing
Hi loves! Sharing a quarantine vlog today. I know I haven't posted as often lately, the pandemic and energy of these times felt really heavy and I needed to be very gentle with myself. I needed to allow myself to go slower and be unproductive. I'm feeling better now and wanted to share what I've … Read more
147: Be Ruthless With Your Time & Purpose w/ Tatcha Founder Vicky Tsai
Be honest: Do you respect your own time? If you aspire to live a purposeful and fulfilling life, you have to be intentional with how you spend your time. Or better yet: be RUTHLESS with it like Vicky Tsai, today's guest and founder of Tatcha, a luxury skincare line.
Mental Health in the Coronavirus Pandemic | COVID-19
How to stay positive & take care of your mental health during these uncertain times. Whether you're feeling fear, anxiety or panic because of the pandemic, here are some thoughts to help you find inner peace, calm, love and hope.
How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.