145: Following Your Heart as an Entrepreneur w/ Kim Le Pham
With how easy it is to shop online, it's no wonder people say “brick-and-mortar is dying”. But nothing beats trying on an outfit at your favorite store and posing with confidence in the mirror, right? Morning Lavender CEO Kim Le Pham opened her boutique & café with you in mind.
15 Self Care Ideas for Coronavirus Quarantine
Turn your coronavirus self quarantine into a self care staycation. Whether you're in lockdown or practicing social distancing, here are 15 self care ideas for when you're staying home in isolation.
144: How to Unplug & Be Gentle with Yourself w/ Carrie Rad
Stop taking things too seriously. The stress it causes you is probably causing those things to suffer as well – you're just not at your best. Today we have content creator Carrie Rad to share the value of taking care of yourself first, so you can be at your best for everything else.
Channeling the Vibration of Love
So you’ve consumed a lot about the scary reality of Coronavirus, accepted it, & informed yourself on all the practical measures. Stay home. Wash your hands. Wait it out. Now what?
Top 10 Women Who Inspire Me | My Female Role Models
Happy International Women's Day 2020! Today I'm sharing the top women who inspire me, with an exercise called the Personal Inspirations Map. Because people are our mirrors, this exercise helps reveal the qualities that you want to cultivate in yourself.
143: How to Become a Successful Content Creator w/ Anh Luu
Life as a content creator looks glamorous, but even your favorite creators get burnt out. And when social media is your job, burnout means you're suddenly in survival mode. Anh Luu, founder of Girl & the Word, shared her lessons and tips for staying afloat as a content creator.
142: Feng Shui & Decluttering w/ Anjie Cho
If you're looking for a sign to refresh and rearrange your space, this is it! We have feng shui expert Anjie Cho on the podcast to talk about how you can optimize the energy flow of your space for a more nurturing and mindful home.
How to Set Boundaries & Stop People Pleasing
Learn to set boundaries, stop people pleasing, and have healthier relationships with others and yourself 💞
141: Building an Audience & Figuring Out Your Unique ‘Brand' w/ Erin May Henry
Have you always wanted to start a YouTube channel or blog, but you're worried no one would actually be interested in what you have to say? Business coach & YouTuber Erin May Henry has a tough truth for you: You're probably right. BUT she also has the tips & tricks for you to change that … Read more
How to GLOW UP (from the inside out)
A true glow up starts from within, so today I’m sharing 9 ways to glow up from the inside out.
How to Heal Your Emotional Trauma & Past Wounds | Healing Workshop
Sharing my steps to healing your past wounds and emotional trauma. We all carry some sort of emotional baggage. We all have an inner child that needs to heal. I hope this helps you further your self discovery journey, to become more self aware and cultivate more self love.
Self Love Journey: Healing My Self Worth
This is my self love glow up story – how I learned to love myself and heal my sense of self worth. Learning to truly love and embrace yourself is a process. There were levels to cultivating my self love & confidence, and each year I continue to unravel more old stories and wounds that … Read more
138: Astrogeography, North Nodes & Finding Your Life Path w/ Dara Dubinet
Have you ever felt called to go somewhere else in the world? An unexplainable longing to experience a place that isn't where you are now? Astrogeographer Dara Dubinet explains what that call is and how answering it can set you on the life path meant for you.
9 Things to Not Take for Granted in Your 20s
Reflecting on my 20s and sharing what I would tell my 20 year old self. These are the things to not take for granted; things you should appreciate and be grateful for each day.
Lessons from Bali: Healing, Self Worth, Living a Full Life
Lessons from my first week of yoga, healing & self care in Ubud, Bali. I almost wasn't going to share this bc it's so long, but I thought the lessons & insights into my week could help some of you, so I'm posting it on this vlog channel!
137: How to Keep Promises to Yourself w/ Life Coach Lauren Zander
If you made a list of ALL the promises you've made to yourself that you've broken, you'd probably end up feeling pretty disappointed in yourself. Life coach Lauren Zander's here to help you stop breaking those promises and start fulfilling your juicy dreams.
How to Be More Organized & Productive | 10 Habits for Life Organization
Get organized with your life in 2020! Here are productivity tips that you can implement to get your life together and organize your life.
136: Tech Startups & Building an App w/ Vibely Founder Teri Yu
If you've ever wondered what it would take to create an app, this episode's for you! We're talking to Teri Yu, the founder of Vibely: an app to help people make meaning connections and find their community, both online and offline.
How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.