132: Storytelling & the Creative Process w/ Filmmaker Mimi Lee
What's that story deep down inside of you that needs to be put out into the world? What experiences have you had that need to be shared? Today we're talking about staying authentic to yourself, creative struggles, and telling stories through film.
10 Ways to Change Your Life in 2020
Sharing ideas & inspiration on new ways you can change your life for the better this new year. A lot of us are motivated to change, but how do we make that change, and where do we start?
2020 Goals: PLAN WITH ME for the new year
Plan with me for the new year: Reflecting on my 2019 highlights, setting intentions for 2020, 2020 goals, and doing the current me vs future me exercise in my Artist of Life Workbook ✨
131: Crystals 101: How to Use Crystals for Beginners w/ Heather Askinosie
Rose quartz, clear quartz, phantom quartz – What's the difference? We love looking at crystals for their beauty, and you've probably heard that crystals are also used for their healing properties. But a lot of people never end up using crystals in a deeper way because there are so many crystals with different colors, shapes, … Read more
Holiday Gift Ideas | self care, wellness, creativity, eco-conscious, tech
I'm excited to share a gift guide of 20+ holiday gift ideas for you in the categories of self care, wellness, creativity, beauty, eco-conscious, tech & spirituality.
How to Set Goals for the New Year (+ actually ACHIEVE them)
I'm so excited for the new year! Let's talk about how to set goals, how to plan your goals, and how to actually execute and achieve your goals in 2020.
Home Declutter & Living Room Makeover | Reset Routine
Getting my life together after my long trip, starting with decluttering my home and giving my living room a makeover!
128: Self Worth, Mental Health & Healing from Trauma w/ Mandy Van De Brug
Today's guest is a dear friend and one of the first ever Lavi Loves: transformational Diamond Process Coach, Mandy Van De Brug! Mandy is full of wisdom on cultivating self love, a sense of self worth, and overcoming mental health struggles.
Bali Vlog: Synchronicities & Freeing Revelations
My first days in Bali, solo traveling for the first time. I wanted to capture the quiet, the nature, and also share all the crazy synchronicities that have been happening. (Do you believe that they're just coincidences, or something else?)
127: Moon Cycles & Lunar Abundance w/ Dr. Ezzie Spencer
If you want a way to stay grounded, try looking up! I'm chatting with coach and author Dr. Ezzie Spencer about the moon: how to keep time with the moon, setting intentions with the cycles, and why we feel connected to it.
6 Lessons Learned from Starting a Business | Entrepreneur Tips
Lessons I learned from starting a business, but apply to all of us 🙂 Which lesson is your favorite?
Goals Before the New Year, Workbook Flip Through, Meetups | #Roadto2020
Hi my loves! I'm back from travels & wanted to make an update video. Let's talk about our plans & goals for the rest of the year. I also do a flip through of the 2020 Artist of Life Workbook & answer your FAQs. Lastly, I'm excited to share about new lavi love meetups! We've … Read more
126: How to Heal Your Life w/ Medical Intuitive Rachel Reimer
You're probably carrying around more garbage than you realize. If you're angry, resentful, or holding a grudge, all of those emotions are not only weighing on mental health – they're taking a physical toll on your body.
125: How to Be an Optimist & Chasing the Bright Side w/ Jess Ekstrom
It's easy to be a cynic, to make excuses for doing less. It's harder to be an optimist. Optimism means choosing responsibility: to do more, to make positive change. So, do you want to be the person that makes excuses or the person that makes the world better?
Your Year of Crystal Clear Vision | 2020 Artist of Life Workbook
Start the new year and new decade with crystal clear vision. 2020 is the year to get clear on what you want and lead your life with purpose and intention.
How I Started My Business | Story of Lavendaire
Sharing the story of how I started Lavendaire, and how the business has evolved over the years. I get a lot of questions about starting a business, becoming a content creator or digital entrepreneur, so I hope this gives you some insight on the process.
How to Overcome Fear & Self Doubt
Let's understand where fear & self doubt comes from, so we can learn to overcome them, change our mindset, and continue to live the life we want to live without holding ourselves back.
Self Sabotage: How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself
Let's talk about self sabotage. You may or may not realize you're doing it. Today we explore all the ways we hold ourselves back, why we do it, and how to stop doing it.

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.