it gets better (laughing/cringing at my old self)
Little reminder that it gets better. Keep trying, keep striving. You'll get there, my dear. I had this thought that I wanted to share in the moment, so here's a casual vlog with some clips down memory lane. I laugh & cringe at myself. While editing this I was thinking “ok I really hope people … Read more
Productive Day In the Life
Showing you a day in my life vlog as a content creator! Every day is different because it depends on what work needs to get done. There's also regular life admin stuff like cleaning/tidying & paying bills. Fridays are nice because I usually have an open day to journal, meditate and catch up with anything … Read more
88: Alternative Self-Help + Mental Health w/ Shannen Roberts
Let’s talk mental health. Today’s guest, Shannen Roberts, is the founding editor of The Strange is Beautiful (TSIB), a resource for accessible alternative self-help for mind obstacles (not “mental illness”!). Through the TSIB blog, zines, and events, Shannen and the TSIB staff create a positive community for understanding and healing your mental health.
Crazy Rich Asians, To All the Boys I've Loved Before, Why Its So Meaningful to Me
I've been in love with the movies, Crazy Rich Asians & To All the Boys I've Loved Before for many reasons. Not only are they great, captivating stories, this means a lot to me as an Asian American, especially one in entertainment & media. Growing up Asian American, I rarely saw anyone who looked like … Read more
We're Hiring!
Position: Graphic Designer I'm looking for a freelance graphic designer to join the Lavendaire team!
87: Craft a Life You Love w/ Amy Tan
Want to make a living by creating? Just know that your path won’t be straight and isn’t going to look like anybody else’s. Amy Tan, creator and author of Craft a Life You Love, will inspire you to do just that: craft a life you love, a life full of creative energy and flow, even … Read more
Dream Life Update: Where I Am Now
A chatty life update on my dream life journey, where I am now and what I've learned lately. I'm so grateful for all that I've learned and all the confidence I've gained over the years. Here's to more years of growth and evolution. Love you all 💕
7 Things I Learned Recently
7 things I learned recently, in the past 6 months or so! We don't realize how much we've learned until we actually think about it. Thanks Skillshare for partnering with me! First 500 people to sign up will receive a 2 month free trial.
86: Bringing Color Into Your Life w/ Bernard Charles
Eat, live, wear color. This is how “The Color Mage”, Bernard Charles, lives his high frequency life. From poverty and struggle, Bernard found a home in the power of color therapy and psychology. Today, he's a LGBT thought-leader and author sharing that vibrant power with the world.
Clean With Me 2018 | All Day Cleaning Routine
Taking my apartment from messy to clean! Clean with me as I get ready for an apartment tour shoot with Hunker! This was basically a full cleaning routine bc I never usually do a deep clean like this in one day (ie: cleaning the bathroom, sweeping the floor). I usually space these tasks out but … Read more
Dance Q&A: How to get started & overcome insecurity ft. STEEZY
How do you get started with dance? How do you overcome insecurity or shyness? How do you balance a creative hobby with school/work? I visited my friends at STEEZY to answer some of your questions about dance and creativity!
85: How to Get Your Dream Job & Internship w/ Lauren Berger
Ready to get your career together? Today's episode with Lauren Berger will set you on the path of success. Through, Lauren and her team helps students land the internship or job of their dreams. With 15 college internships under her belt, she's earned the expertise and title of “Intern Queen”.
6 Books That Changed My Life
Six books that have changed my life. I definitely have more favorite books that have changed my life, but these six are really notable and hold a special place in my heart 🙂 Yes, I've mentioned these books before, because whenever a book makes an impact on my life, I share all those lessons here … Read more
5 Habits That Changed My Life
5 Habits That Changed My Life! These are the major habits & mindset shifts that have changed my life for the better and led me to a happier, more productive and fulfilled life. What is one habit that has changed your life for the better? Share below!
Self-Care: How to Feel Refreshed & Amazing
Here are my self-care tips for feeling refreshed and amazing again, including using new products from Pantene that detox and refresh my hair. Thanks Pantene for sponsoring this video! Buy two Pantene Charcoal Collection products at Target and receive a $5 gift card.
Cute House Plants That Clean The Air
What are the best indoor plants for your home? Here are 10 house plants that are beginner-friendly, beautiful and purify the air in your room.
84: How to Align with Your Soul & Your Light ft. Rebecca Campbell
Soul, spirit, light. Regardless of what you call it, we all have an inner voice that's always calling us. Rebecca Campbell author Light Is the New Black, teaches us how to tune into that inner voice and let it help us navigate our lives.
Reset Day + Cleaning Routine
Spend a Sunday reset day with me! Here's how I get my life together after traveling and leaving my life and home in a mess, including journaling, meditating, speed cleaning (ha, I wish I was that quick IRL), unpacking, working out and so much more.
83: Shifting From Anxiety to Love w/ Corinne Zupko
The love and peace you're searching for is already inside you, waiting to be revealed. Today's guest, Corinne Zupko, had a lifelong journey with anxiety before revealing her own love through A Course in Miracles. Her book From Anxiety to Love shares the process she used to heal from her anxiety and start loving through … Read more
What's In My Carry On? | Travel Essentials ✈️
What's in my carry on bag? Sharing my travel essentials and how I pack my luggage + backpack for a short trip.

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.