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self love

Taipei Ep. 4: Sightseeing, Museums, Eating, Shopping

This travel vlog is jam-packed with tons of awesome spots from my trip to Taipei. Over the course of three days, we visited a ton of sights, museums, malls, and ate really good food. My highlights from this vlog are the Songshan Creative & Cultural Park (such a hip and artsy place!) and the sashimi … Read more

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Gift Giving

“Find your gift. Give it away. That’s living.” —josh pan

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How to Look Better

Hi all! Today's video is a real treat: How to Look Better in 2015! Because we all want to look good, right? Actually, it's not all about looks; it's about how you look and what you look at. Perspective and mindfulness. Yum. Now that's attractive.

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5 Wellness Habits for a Better You

Hi guys! This post compiles five wellness habits to try for a better you in 2015. Habits are the building blocks to your lifestyle, so it’s important to choose your habits wisely. This year I’m in the process of releasing negative habits and inviting positive habits into my life. This list is just a starting point. … Read more

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3 Ways to Declutter Your Closet

Hi guys! Today I'm sharing 3 ways to declutter your closet for a more minimal 2015. I’m in the process of clearing out my closet and these tips are really helping me get closer to my dream minimalist closet! Hope you guys find this video helpful. If so, please share this with your friends! Good luck! It's time to give … Read more

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5 Questions to Create an Amazing Year in 2015

Feeling excited for the fresh year? Put it to good use! Today, I present five questions that will help you close 2014 with a bang and create an amazing year for yourself in 2015. The new year is probably one of my favorite times of the year because there is so much energy, hope, and drive … Read more

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Those Soundwaves Vol. 2

Hi loves, happy new year! It’s time to share my top three favorite songs of the moment a la Those Soundwaves! This episode’s picks are all female vocalists, because I’m just biased like that. Hope you take a listen to the songs below and please do let me know which one is your favorite! Don’t forget to follow … Read more

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December Favorites 2014: Korean Skincare Haul, Bobble, Pivotal Tracker 1

Hi guys! Here are my favorite things in the month of December. I am still obsessed with all of the skincare products that I got from my trip to Seoul – these are my favorites and I highly recommend each and every one of them! I'm so happy to have discovered these Korean skincare brands: … Read more

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas! Hope you all are enjoying the holidays with your loved ones! Simply love, feel the happiness within, and be grateful for the life you have. May you be surrounded by those who lift you up and make you better. And may you also be a light in this world, leaving a positive mark … Read more

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Taipei Ep. 3: National Palace Museum, Hello Kitty Kitchen

In this vlog, we take a mini underground adventure to get to 7-Eleven on a rainy morning, hit up Tonghua Night Market, the National Palace Museum, and the Hello Kitty Cafe in Taipei! { places mentioned } ▸ Tonghua Night Market ▸ National Palace Museum ▸ Hello Kitty Kitchen { connect with me } ▸ … Read more

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Being Present

{ subscribe to get notified of new videos weekly } This video is inspired by a journey entry I wrote while traveling in Asia. Thought it'd be nice to put the words to clips from my travels to Taipei and Seoul. Hope you guys enjoy. Be alive, vibrant, and well! TRANSCRIPT During my travels, I've … Read more

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Taipei Ep. 2: Taipei 101, The Diner, LINE Store, KTV

Day 2 – In this vlog, we check out Taipei 101 and its neighborhood Xinyi District. We got real lucky and skipped the long wait for brunch at The Diner (hurray!) and explored the MANY malls in the area. For dinner, we met up with my friend Brandon again and ended up singing the night … Read more

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Taipei Ep. 1: Best Taiwanese Breakfast, Chiang Kai Shek Memorial, Huashan 1914 Creative Park

Follow me to Taipei! In this vlog, I visit 阜杭豆漿 for Taiwanese breakfast, Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall, Huashan 1914 Creative Park, and reconnect with a couple friends in Taipei. It was such an eventful first day in Taipei and I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to travel and meet awesome people around the … Read more

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Things To Do During a Layover in Taipei (Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport)

On the way home from Seoul, my friend and I had a five hour layover in Taipei at the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TPE). At first, I had planned to find a comfortable seat and edit videos the entire time. That is, until we started walking around and discovering all of the awesome amenities and galleries that the airport … Read more

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Those Soundwaves Vol. 1

  Hi guys! I'm excited to kick off this new series called “Those Soundwaves,” where I share my top three favorite + most played songs of the moment. The three songs in this set are below. Enjoy~ { those soundwaves vol. 1 }      ⟼  Zhu – Paradise Awaits ⟼  Charlotte OC – Hangover ⟼  Tinashe … Read more

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Seoul Sights: Dreaming at the Palace

As I was vlogging my travels, I completely forgot to take photos with my camera until the second part of my trip…¯\_(ツ)_/¯ heh heh. Fortunately, we visited the gorgeous Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul after my revelation. The weather in Seoul was absolutely beautiful: sunny with a brisk air. And the trees were all kinds of autumn shades. Simply breathtaking. The … Read more

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Taipei Eats: Favorite Food Spots from my Trip

The coolest seafood market: 上引水產 (Addiction Aquatic Development) 上引水產 (Addiction Aquatic Development) No. 18號, Alley 2, Lane 410, Minzu East Rd, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 104 上引水產 is a modern seafood market with ten different theme areas serving hot pot, grilled seafood, sushi and fresh food, cooked food, and more. This place is a must … Read more

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Taipei Sights: Songshan Creative and Cultural Park

This is probably my favorite spot in Taipei. An old tobacco factory and warehouse turned creative hub, Songshan Creative and Cultural Park is a huge playground for creatives—if you like art, design, and the like, then you can find yourself spending hours exploring this place. There are several galleries, exhibits, shops, cafes, and the Taiwan Design … Read more

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Hair Care + Favorite Products for Bleached / Pastel Hair

I get a lot of questions about my hair so here’s a full video on how I take care of my bleached / pastel hair and my favorite haircare products! Below are the key points + product links. Feel free to drop any questions below~ { how to take care of bleached / damaged / pastel … Read more

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Taipei Eats: Hello Kitty Kitchen and Dining

 { the best bathroom selfie of my life thus far } After a day at the National Palace Museum, Dorothy and I decided to check out the Hello Kitty cafe in Taipei for dessert. If you're a fan of this girl-not-cat character, you may not be able to handle all the themed cuteness. There's so much … Read more

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