I want to commit to my habits & goals
Get Your Life Together: Habits & Self Care Challenge
Getting my life together this week by being more consistent with my habits & self care! Consistency is so important. You have to make your healthy habits & self care into a routine. Let's keep taking small positive actions to move up the Slight Edge! Can't wait to see your updates...
5 Habits That Changed My Life
5 Habits That Changed My Life! These are the major habits & mindset shifts that have changed my life for the better and led me to a happier, more productive and fulfilled life. What is one habit that has changed your life for the better? Share below!Read more
Zero Waste Kit // Tips for Zero Waste Beginners ft. Jamie Kate
Going zero waste is a process and it's not always straightforward or easy. One of the first things you can do in your zero waste journey is build your own zero waste kit! I learned so many tips from my friend, zero waste blogger Jamie Kate, and wanted to bring...
12 Habits of Successful Creatives
What are the daily habits of the most successful creatives? I break it down for you today.Read more
10 Ways to Reduce Waste
Have you heard of the zero waste lifestyle? Today's video is a beginner's guide to zero waste: 10 tips for reducing waste! Read more
7 Easy Ways to Meditate More
We all know that meditation is good for us. The hardest part though, is getting started and staying consistent with meditation. Here are some tips for beginners to help you build your meditation practice! Read more
Mid-Year Review: 2017 Goals Update + Free Worksheet
We're halfway through with 2017! Today I'm checking in on how I'm doing with my 2017 goals so far. Read more
23 Habits of Highly Successful People
What do the most successful people in the world have in common? More than you think! Success is a mindset, a practice, and a culmination of habits. Here are 23 habits of highly successful and happy people. Read more
Law of Attraction: How to Get Anything You Want
The law of attraction is about using the power of your thoughts to manifest your desires, realize your dreams & get anything you want! It's not just about wishful thinking. All realities begin in the mind: your beliefs become thoughts, thoughts become words, words become actions, and actions become reality....

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.