I want to journal with more intention
Rediscover Yourself & What Matters to You | Dream Life Series #2
Get to know yourself better in this segment of the Dream Life Series! Rediscover yourself (your strengths, passions, values and so much more) using the free worksheet here. Do you know yourself well? Are you confident in what makes you unique? Are you utilizing your gifts, strengths and full potential?Read...
Self Discovery Exercise | Personal Inspirations Map
Here's a simple exercise to help you discover more about yourself through your inspirations. I've been so inspired by Hyori Lee & IU after watching Hyori's Bed & Breakfast on Netflix (so good!!). After binging on interviews I decided to reflect on why I was so enamored with these ladies....
Self Love Journaling Prompts
Happy Valentine's Day my lovelies!!
Here are some self love journaling prompts to celebrate the amazingness that is YOU! Treat yourself to some extra love & self care today because you deserve it. You are worthy and you are whole. I love you for you and wish you all...
Self Care for Creatives: Artist Dates
Take yourself out on an artist date to spark inspiration and nurture your creativity. Thanks to Canon for sponsoring this video. Read more
How to Plan Your Life (Interactive Exercise)
It's 2018! Ready to plan out your life from your big dreams & goals down to the nitty gritty details? This is an interactive video to help you plan your life, year, quarter, months, weeks and days. Read more
5 Questions to Reflect & Plan for the New Year
Are you ready to reflect on 2017 and plan for 2018? Grab a notebook and go through these questions with me! These questions will help you find beauty in the past year & clarify your goals for the new year. Read more
2018 Artist of Life Workbook + Mastermind
I'm so excited to introduce the 2018 Artist of Life Workbook + Mastermind!! The 2018 Artist of Life Workbook is a workbook and journal to help you create your most inspiring & successful year. Read more
How to: Stream of Consciousness Writing
I share a lot about morning pages and stream of consciousness writing, yet I haven't actually explained what it is exactly. Since I've been doing this for years, I forget that it doesn't come naturally at first. It's something that gets better with practice. Read more
11 Ways to Fill Your Notebooks
Are you obsessed with collecting notebooks like I am? Here are 11 ideas for filling your notebooks & journals to document your life and express your creativity. Read more
Vivid Vision Exercise to Plan Your Dream Life
Today I'm sharing a journaling prompt & exercise called Vivid Vision for envisioning the details of your dream life and dream day. This is an exercise that's helped me tremendously in my life. I keep my Vivid Vision notes on my phone and read them daily to remind myself of...

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.