I want to design a life I love
138: Astrogeography, North Nodes & Finding Your Life Path w/ Dara Dubinet
Have you ever felt called to go somewhere else in the world? An unexplainable longing to experience a place that isn't where you are now? Astrogeographer Dara Dubinet explains what that call is and how answering it can set you on the life path meant for you. Read more
My Vision Boards: What’s Come True & What Hasn’t
Reflecting on my vision boards from 2012-2019 to see what's come true and what hasn't! I also share my first ever Current Me vs. Future Me exercise that I made eight years ago and how much I've changed since then. Each year, I'm amazed to find myself becoming more and...
New Year Challenge: 10 Days of Growth
Happy new year my loves! Today we're kicking off 2020 with a New Year Challenge! Join the 10-day series here. Read more
133: Business Failures & Becoming an Entrepreneur in Fashion w/ Showpo Founder Jane Lu
"No one shops online." Today, that sentence sounds ridiculous – some of us only shop online. But back when Jane Lu was just starting her entrepreneurship journey, that sentence resulted in the failure of her first business venture. Almost a decade later, Jane is the self-proclaimed "Lazy CEO" and founder...
10 Ways to Change Your Life in 2020
Sharing ideas & inspiration on new ways you can change your life for the better this new year. A lot of us are motivated to change, but how do we make that change, and where do we start? Read more
Your Year of Crystal Clear Vision | 2020 Artist of Life Workbook
Start the new year and new decade with crystal clear vision. 2020 is the year to get clear on what you want and lead your life with purpose and intention. Read more
How I Started My Business | Story of Lavendaire
Sharing the story of how I started Lavendaire, and how the business has evolved over the years. I get a lot of questions about starting a business, becoming a content creator or digital entrepreneur, so I hope this gives you some insight on the process. Read more
Living For Yourself & Not Others
Do you ever find yourself pulled between what you want and what others want for you? Are you too afraid to be your true self or share your real thoughts? Do you care too much about what other people think? Let’s talk about learning to live for yourself & not...
living for yourself & not others // living a life you’re proud of
I'm back with a chatty GRWM - let's talk about how to live for yourself & not others! Living for yourself means living the life that YOU want for yourself, regardless of the opinions of others. Read more

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.