Personal Growth
6 Books That Changed My Life
Six books that have changed my life. I definitely have more favorite books that have changed my life, but these six are really notable and hold a special place in my heart :) Yes, I've mentioned these books before, because whenever a book makes an impact on my life, I...
84: How to Align with Your Soul & Your Light ft. Rebecca Campbell
Soul, spirit, light. Regardless of what you call it, we all have an inner voice that's always calling us. Rebecca Campbell author Light Is the New Black, teaches us how to tune into that inner voice and let it help us navigate our lives.Read more
83: Shifting From Anxiety to Love w/ Corinne Zupko
The love and peace you're searching for is already inside you, waiting to be revealed. Today's guest, Corinne Zupko, had a lifelong journey with anxiety before revealing her own love through A Course in Miracles. Her book From Anxiety to Love shares the process she used to heal from her...
Dream Life Final Lessons & Success Stories
Today we're wrapping up the Dream Life Series, featuring some of you in the community! Read more
82: Reconnecting Your Body + Mind w/ Ani Anderson
You are more powerful than you can imagine when it comes to controlling how deeply you are able to experience life. Today's guest, Ani Anderson, helps people tap into their full mind potential by reconnecting the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of living.Read more
Q&A Vlog | Dream Life Series #9
Answering your questions from the Dream Life Series about dealing with laziness, negative people, and self doubt. I thought I’d switch it up visually by taking you along with me on my short trip to San Francisco! I went to SF to speak at LinkedIn and had so much fun...
Self Care, Healthy Habits & Finding Balance | Dream Life Series #8
Let's chat about self care, healthy habits and finding balance while creating your dream life! Is it possible to maintain a healthy work/life balance? Here's how to build a sustainable lifestyle and not get burnt out while chasing your dreams.Read more
81: How to Succeed on YouTube w/ Erika Vieira
If you’re an aspiring YouTube influencer, this is the must-listen episode for you. We have marketing and sales expert Erika Vieira of Beauty and the Vlog sharing her insights on not only how to succeed on YouTube, but what it means to be a successful and fulfilled influencer. Through the...
The Journey & Its Obstacles | Dream Life Series #7
As you create your dream life, there's no doubt you will encounter obstacles, challenges, failure and difficulties along your journey. Are you prepared? Here are my five things to keep in mind to help you stay on course with your dreams.Read more
Manifesting & Trust | Dream Life Series #6
Let's talk about manifesting, the law of attraction, and trusting the universe. Join the Dream Life Series and start working on today's "scripting" journal prompt to help you manifest your desires.Read more

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.