Personal Growth
74: How to Give a Shift w/ Megan Smith-Gill
“I’m just unlucky.” “I can’t compete with everyone else out there.” What other myths are you letting hold you back from living your best life? Today’s guest, Megan Smith-Gill, is a personal growth ninja and life hacker who wants to bust those limiting beliefs - what she calls “Life’s Biggest...
73: Starting Your Zero Waste Journey w/ Jamie Kate Adoc
Every effort you make to help the environment matters, even if it’s not perfect. Today’s guest, Jamie Kate Adoc, is a nurse and photographer who has been living her own zero waste lifestyle since 2016. Through her blog and YouTube channel, she shares videos about travel, food, minimalism, and what...
Adventure in Kona, Hawaii 🌺Overcoming Fears & Embarrassing Drone Injury!
Exploring Big Island, facing my fears and making new memories in a beautiful place. Thanks Hyundai for sponsoring this video! You can learn more about the Hyundai Kona here: more
Self Discovery Exercise | Personal Inspirations Map
Here's a simple exercise to help you discover more about yourself through your inspirations. I've been so inspired by Hyori Lee & IU after watching Hyori's Bed & Breakfast on Netflix (so good!!). After binging on interviews I decided to reflect on why I was so enamored with these ladies....
67: Mastering Your Inner Mean Girl w/ Melissa Ambrosini
When your inner critic comes knocking on your door, don’t invite her in. Say “Thank you, but no thank you. I’m too busy living my dream life.” Today’s guest, Melissa Ambrosini, a best-selling author and self-love teacher. Melissa inspires women all around the world to show up to all of...
12 Ways to Raise Your Vibration + Frequency
Positive vibes every day ✨ Learn about vibrational frequency and how we can all raise our vibration to become happier, healthier, high vibe people. It's really the little lifestyle changes we can make every day that make the world of a difference. Read more
66: Becoming Friends with Your Fear w/ Meera Lee Patel
There’s no magic solution to being successful and that’s the magic: You get to create the solution yourself. Today’s guest, Meera Lee Patel, is self-taught artist who became a best-selling author through years of trial and error. Her work inspires others to connect with themselves, each other, and the world...
Relationship Problems & Advice | GRWM
Everybody deals with relationship problems, but sometimes we don't realize these problems are here to help us learn, heal, and grow. I wanted to share my thoughts on how to deal with relationship issues because I see everybody dealing with them (myself included). This chat focuses on the frustrations you...
65: How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t w/ Andrea Owen
Give yourself a break to be human and fall apart. We promise you will always come back out of the darkness and stop feeling like sh*t. Today’s guest, Andrea Owen, is a life coach who wants you to be a new kind of strong by feeling your feelings - all...

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.