Personal Growth
54: Love Where You Live w/ Peter Kageyama
How can you start a love affair with your city? Today's guest, Peter Kageyama is an international speaker and the author of "For the Love of Cities: The Love Affair Between People and their Places." In this episode, Aileen and Peter explore the unexamined relationship between people and geographic spaces...
53: Becoming a Conscious Communicator w/ Mary Shores
If you want to make huge shifts in your life, ask yourself: What would Daenerys Targaryen do? Today's guest, Mary Shores, is a speaker, entrepreneur, CEO, and author of Conscious Communications. Read more
51: Trust In the Guidance of the Universe
Here's a friendly reminder: you're already being guided to where you're meant to be. All you need to do is trust in the timing of the universe. In this episode, I share about what inspired this reminder, how you can tell when you're being guided and how to strengthen that...
49: Art, Magic, and Mindful Rituals w/ Yumi Sakugawa
Are you incorporating magic into your creative practice? Today's guest, Yumi Sakugawa, is a comic book artist inspired by the universe and her own experiences as an Asian American woman. In this episode, Aileen and Yumi delve deep into creativity and darkness, how art pushes us towards an ideal future,...
48: Stop Being a People-Pleaser w/ Confidence Coach Amy E. Smith
Cut out from your life the people who don't want the most empowered version of yourself. Today's guest, Amy E. Smith, is a confidence coach who wants you to stop being a people-pleaser and start living for yourself. In this episode, Aileen and Amy explore confident communication, authentic living, and...
A Sprinkle of Motivation…
Here's something that might nudge the dreamer in you: Notice how successful people will always tell you that you can achieve your dreams; those who tell you you can't are those who haven't accomplished great things. Read more
46: Spiritual Healing, Inner Expansion and Sacred Sisterhood w/ Sora Surya No
When you hold yourself as sacred, you're able to make the best choices for your future. Today's guest, Sora Surya No, is a transformative business coach, international retreat leader, and world traveler connecting women entrepreneurs with the art of feeling sacred. In this episode, Aileen and Sora explore spiritual healing,...
44: Finding True Happiness & Fulfillment Off Wall Street w/ Khe Hy
Sometimes you can have it all and still not know who you are inside. Today's guest, Khe Hy, spent successful 14 years on Wall Street before realizing he never looked inside himself out of fear. This episode is for those ready to be uncomfortable and find real happiness. Read more
How I Gained Confidence | STORY TIME
Reflecting on how I became more confident, I realized that self confidence is built from experiencing small wins stacked on top of each other. Here's my story on how confidence was built (or not) in my life in different areas. Read more
How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.