Personal Growth
Keep doing things that scare you (Picture Taipei Story)
Last month, I did something scary. I took a chance on myself and leaped before I was ready. I felt the fear and let it ride with me across the ocean to Taipei, Taiwan, where I starred in a film for the first time. Read more
Make Your World More Beautiful
I’ve been reading A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson all month, and it’s been so healing and inspiring. I had gotten too caught up with chasing goals and ambitions in January that I started to feel scatterbrained, like there was a piece of the puzzle that was missing. This book...
The 5 Love Languages
Do you know what your primary love language is? The 5 Love Languages is a concept made popular by Dr. Gary Chapman in his book, The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts. Find out what your love language is, and also what your loved ones speak. It’s crazy...
Gift Giving
“Find your gift. Give it away. That’s living.” —josh pan Read more
How to Look Better
Hi all! Today's video is a real treat: How to Look Better in 2015! Because we all want to look good, right? Actually, it's not all about looks; it's about how you look and what you look at. Perspective and mindfulness. Yum. Now that's attractive. Read more
5 Questions to Create an Amazing Year in 2015
Feeling excited for the fresh year? Put it to good use! Today, I present five questions that will help you close 2014 with a bang and create an amazing year for yourself in 2015. The new year is probably one of my favorite times of the year because there is so...
Being Present
{ subscribe to get notified of new videos weekly } This video is inspired by a journey entry I wrote while traveling in Asia. Thought it'd be nice to put the words to clips from my travels to Taipei and Seoul. Hope you guys enjoy. Be alive, vibrant, and well!...
A Personal Reminder (Ira Glass)
{ Ira Glass on Storytelling on Vimeo } I first saw this video years ago and I've seen it multiple times since. Tonight, I stumbled upon it again and it still strikes me with such impact. I always need to hear this, over and over again. I'll be honest. My will for creativity has...
Find Those Moments Where You Shine
Best part of this video is that I get to abuse my favorite emoji and insert some kawaii sounds ^_^. But yes, find those moments where you SHINE, where you find yourself in a blissful state of flow and you are at your best. Take note of those moments, and...
Liberation Kriya: Final Thoughts & Lessons
▸ How to do the Liberation Kriya: ▸ Liberation Kriya Previous Update Video: Here are some (additional) lessons I've learned after completing the Liberation Kriya 40 day meditation: You will always have to put in effort. It never becomes completely effortless or too easy. If you feel like the meditation (or journey)...

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.