Personal Growth
Analog Creative Day (Inspired by Steal Like an Artist)
{ transcript } Today’s video is inspired by the book Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon. In the book, the author talks about how important it is to incorporate analog activities back into the creative process. What this basically means is to go old school and create with your...
Best Piece of Advice I Received From Business School
The best piece of advice that I received while in business school at USC was this: Take your biggest risks while you're young. Why? Because: You have nothing (or little) to lose. As you get older, you acquire more and more responsibilities (marriage, children, house, bills) that make it harder...
Commitment + Patience + Perseverance
// Subscribe to Lavendaire for new videos every Wednesday // Today I'm sharing the key lessons and mantras that I've developed from practicing the Liberation Kriya (Kundalini yoga meditation for a fresh start) so far. In this meditation, you have to hold a pose for 9 minutes (every 3 minutes, there is...
Creative Tip: Make Time to Make Stuff
// Subscribe to Lavendaire to get notified of new videos weekly // Today's video features a simple quick tip for my creatives out there: Make time to make stuff. I've read that planning is the job of making something happen that may not otherwise—and it's true. You have to plan creative time for...
Minimal Living / Meaningful Living
// Subscribe to Lavendaire to get notified of new videos weekly // I'm trying to live minimally: to live with less in order to live more. Minimalism has helped me clarify what really matters in my life, so that I can keep the important things close to me and clear out the...
Flow State – What Flow Is & How to Get Into It
// Subscribe to Lavendaire to get notified of new videos weekly // Flow is one of my favorite things. Learn what flow is and how to set yourself up to get into flow state. Being in flow state is essentially operating at your best: super productive and super passionate. It's an exciting...
Happy Power Poses!
// Subscribe to Lavendaire to get notified of new videos weekly // Your body language shapes who you are. I did this happy power pose exercise at a show this past weekend so I thought it would be fun to share it with the rest of the Internets! Try this out &...
“Follow Your Passion” Is Bad Advice—Cal Newport Talk
Cal Newport: "Follow Your Passion" Is Bad Advice from 99U on Vimeo My friend Jason sent me this refreshing video on why "follow your passion" is bad advice. Cal Newport breaks down the message that Steve Jobs presents in his popular 2005 Stanford Commencement Address and then shows us case studies on successful...
Planning Your Own Creative Retreat
In the beginning of the year, I had filled out this Amazing Year Workbook for 2014. One of the exercises in the workbook was to plan a creative retreat for yourself, so back in January, I thought about when I would probably need a creative retreat the most and what I would...
The Power of Simply Asking
// Subscribe to Lavendaire to get notified of new videos weekly // Ask and you shall receive: you’ve heard it before, but it’s easier said than done. People are generally afraid to ask for things. Why? We're afraid to look needy or stupid, or we're just afraid of getting rejected. Learning to ask and...

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.