Personal Growth
135: Anti-Bias Education & Talking Taboo Topics with Kids w/ Liz Kleinrock
Everyone is biased: you, me, your teachers, your parents, even your kids – everyone. Despite all of our differences as human beings, as Liz Kleinrock puts it, "bias is our common denominator." The question is: So what are you going to do about it? Read more
20 Books to Read in 2020 | life-changing, must read books
Top books to read this year that are some of my favorite, most impactful books of the past decade. Covering topics in self help, personal growth, productivity, money, creativity, spirituality and more, these books have changed my life and my mindset for the better and I know they'll do the...
My Vision Boards: What’s Come True & What Hasn’t
Reflecting on my vision boards from 2012-2019 to see what's come true and what hasn't! I also share my first ever Current Me vs. Future Me exercise that I made eight years ago and how much I've changed since then. Each year, I'm amazed to find myself becoming more and...
134: Akashic Records, Past Lives, and The Line Within w/ Ashley Wood
Have you ever felt like there was a 'hidden meaning' to déjà vu? That your recurring dreams and random gut feelings HAD to mean something? Congratulations! You're probably subconsciously trying to access your line within – without even knowing it. Read more
New Year Challenge: 10 Days of Growth
Happy new year my loves! Today we're kicking off 2020 with a New Year Challenge! Join the 10-day series here. Read more
132: Storytelling & the Creative Process w/ Filmmaker Mimi Lee
What's that story deep down inside of you that needs to be put out into the world? What experiences have you had that need to be shared? Today we're talking about staying authentic to yourself, creative struggles, and telling stories through film. Read more
10 Ways to Change Your Life in 2020
Sharing ideas & inspiration on new ways you can change your life for the better this new year. A lot of us are motivated to change, but how do we make that change, and where do we start? Read more
131: Crystals 101: How to Use Crystals for Beginners w/ Heather Askinosie
Rose quartz, clear quartz, phantom quartz – What's the difference? We love looking at crystals for their beauty, and you've probably heard that crystals are also used for their healing properties. But a lot of people never end up using crystals in a deeper way because there are so many...

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.