Personal Growth
127: Moon Cycles & Lunar Abundance w/ Dr. Ezzie Spencer
Photo credit: Inna Shnayder If you want a way to stay grounded, try looking up! I'm chatting with coach and author Dr. Ezzie Spencer about the moon: how to keep time with the moon, setting intentions with the cycles, and why we feel connected to it. Read more
6 Lessons Learned from Starting a Business | Entrepreneur Tips
Lessons I learned from starting a business, but apply to all of us :) Which lesson is your favorite? Read more
125: How to Be an Optimist & Chasing the Bright Side w/ Jess Ekstrom
It's easy to be a cynic, to make excuses for doing less. It's harder to be an optimist. Optimism means choosing responsibility: to do more, to make positive change. So, do you want to be the person that makes excuses or the person that makes the world better? Read more
Your Year of Crystal Clear Vision | 2020 Artist of Life Workbook
Start the new year and new decade with crystal clear vision. 2020 is the year to get clear on what you want and lead your life with purpose and intention. Read more
How to Overcome Fear & Self Doubt
Let's understand where fear & self doubt comes from, so we can learn to overcome them, change our mindset, and continue to live the life we want to live without holding ourselves back. Read more
Self Sabotage: How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself
Let's talk about self sabotage. You may or may not realize you're doing it. Today we explore all the ways we hold ourselves back, why we do it, and how to stop doing it. Read more
Solo Traveling + Changing My Life
I'm solo traveling for the first time! I'll be traveling alone for a few weeks, taking time for self care, healing and finding space to gain clarity on where to take my life next. This will be a life-changing experience, I already know. Read more
How I’ve Changed
Let's talk about change. Today I'm sharing how I've changed lately. "You've changed" used to hold a negative connotation, but over the years I've really learned to embrace change and welcome it. Read more
6 Life Lessons I’ve Learned Lately
Life is always teaching us lessons. Here are 6 life lessons I've learned lately. What lessons has life been teaching you lately? Read more
Journaling Series | 100+ free journaling prompts!
I'm kickstarting a new journaling series on IGTV to celebrate the launch of the new pastel notebooks on Sept 25! Each week, we'll be sharing journaling prompts & exercises for a different area of life. Read more

How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.