161: Create Your Own Calm w/ Meera Lee Patel
What's the disconnect in your life right now? When does anxiety seem to creep up on you? Meera Lee Patel is returning to the show to share her insights on quieting your anxiety, coping with big changes in your life and the world, and cultivating a sense of inner calm...
159: Self Healing & Becoming Conscious w/ The Holistic Psychologist, Dr. Nicole LePera
If you're feeling stuck, ask yourself: Am I living my life consciously? According to Dr. Nicole LePera, we spend 90% of our lives on autopilot: unconsciously. Sure, you can make plans to get unstuck. But to actually follow through on your plans, first you have to become conscious. Read more
158: Don’t Keep Your Day Job w/ Cathy Heller
Cathy Heller doesn't mean to be the bearer of bad news, but her words are a necessary reminder: "Your purpose isn't something you discover under a rock." Today we're talking about developing your purpose over time, with an open mind, active listening, and a love for meaningful connection. Read more
157: Emotional Eating & Coming Back to Self Love w/ Amber Romaniuk
Comfort foods, cheat days, guilty pleasures – Food is an emotional experience for most of us. We eat to celebrate, to destress, and sometimes to numb or escape. Today, Amber Romaniuk is sharing her experiences and advice for unpacking the love/hate relationship we have with food. Read more
156: Defining Yourself & Dealing With the Seasons of Life w/ Emily Capshaw
"So, what do you do?" A simple question that everyone asks, but so many of us don't feel confident answering – especially if you're a creative. Emily Capshaw does it all (acting, writing, filmmaking, and more) and she can assure you: It's okay to not be defined by a single...
155: Build Happier, Healthier & Lasting Relationships w/ Monica Berg
It's time to rethink what you know about love. Today we have Monica Berg on the show to talk about adapting to change, building radical accountability with yourself, shattering the illusions in your relationship, and what it looks like to actually love someone unconditionally. Read more
154: Human Design: Discover Your Potential w/ Erin Claire Jones
If you're fascinated by self discovery tools like the MBTI or the enneagram, this episode is perfect for you. We have Erin Claire Jones on the show to teach us about Human Design: an intricate tool to help you navigate life with more harmony and alignment to what feels right....
153: How to Become Trigger-Proof w/ Dr. Nima Rahmany
When was the last time you felt safe enough to be 100% yourself around other people? If you can't answer that question, try this one: When was the last time you created that sense of safety for others? We have Dr. Nima Rahmany to talk about stress, healing, and managing...
152: Understanding COVID-19 through Astrology w/ AstroTwin Tali Edut
This might be hard to believe, but: Astrology might have predicted the current pandemic. We have astrologer Tali Edut on the show to break down what the planets reveal about our 'new normal' and how millennials and Gen Z are working to guide our potential future. Read more
How much do you really know about yourself?
Discover more about yourself and what you want out of life with this free downloadable list of 30 self reflection journaling prompts.