130: Understanding Saturn Return, Mercury Retrograde & the Energy of Astrology w/ Danielle Paige

You've probably heard of Mercury retrograde, but what about Saturn return? And have you heard what Pluto's doing recently? We're back with another astrology expert for a deeper dive into what these planetary patterns mean for our daily lives – and our entire lifetimes.

I'm chatting with soul astrologer Danielle Paige, who has been reading the stars for lifetimes (yes, more than one). She's a teacher and expert in combining astrology with intuition to live with more intention, but also go with the flow the universe.

In this episode we explore:
  • 3:08 – Astrology for beginners: How to use astrology as a tool to improve your life
  • 8:40 – Freedom vs. Fate: Can you change what's “written in the stars”?
  • 10:08 – What your worst pain point means for your birth chart & purpose in the universe
  • 13:18 – Understanding your Saturn return: PSA for listeners nearing their 30s or 60s
  • 17:07 – What Pluto's doing now & Why you need to pay attention to eclipse season
  • 19:31 – Mercury Retrograde: Why it's not *that* bad + Practical tips for letting it pass
  • 23:18 – Why an astrology expert doesn't actually have an astrology ritual or routine
  • 25:15 – Danielle's dream life, book recommendation, life-changing habit, best received advice & favorite part about life
Show notes:
  • It's up to us, how we want to use the energy in our chart.
  • Do not grab on to the things that the universe is clearly taking from you.
  • You can't plan too much because the universe just laughs.

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