46: Spiritual Healing, Inner Expansion and Sacred Sisterhood w/ Sora Surya No
When you hold yourself as sacred, you're able to make the best choices for your future. Today's guest, Sora Surya No, is a transformative business coach, international retreat leader, and world traveler connecting women entrepreneurs with the art of feeling sacred. In this episode, Aileen and Sora explore spiritual healing, inner expansion, and the magic of sisterhood.
In this episode we explore:
- 1:15 – Sora's path to the world of spirituality and divine feminine
- 2:15 – “Wounds from sisterhood” – Competition between women throughout life and in the media
- 6:30 – Sora's travel bug + Travel as a disruption of unconsciousness
- 9:31 – A taste of women's circles, retreats, and masterminds
- 13:33 – Sparking flow and creativity when you're a solo entrepreneur
- 16:18 – Advice for beating resistance – Fully embrace it.
- 20:00 – What Sora's excited for – Stay Sacred Journal
- Website | www.sorasuryano.com/
Show Notes:
- Tailor | tailorstylist.com/LL
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