50: Making Spirituality Mainstream w/ Bestselling Author Theresa Cheung
As long as you're evolving towards your highest self, you are living your meaning. Today's guest, Theresa Cheung, is a bestselling spiritual author with twenty-five years of research and writing in the psychic world. In this episode, Aileen and Theresa explore the light and darkness of birthdays, what a Jedi's “force” really is, and making spirituality mainstream.
In this episode we explore:
- 1:05 – Behind the scenes: The Encyclopedia of Birthdays
- 6:56 – The Light Side and Dark Side of human potential
- 11:06 – Life challenges as teachers and blessings
- 13:05 – How Theresa explains spirituality to the skeptics
- 16:35 – Current projects – Jediism, Noetic Science, and Mediums
- 24:48 – A scientific shift to the inner world of consciousness
- Website | https://www.theresacheung.com/
Show Notes
- Skillshare | skillshare.com/aileen
- “As long as we're growing and learning, even if things are going wrong, we're living our meaning.”
- “You don't tend to learn so much about yourself when everything's going brilliantly.”
- “None of this beautiful life is logical.”
- “We are spiritual beings having a human experience, not human beings having a spiritual experience.”
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