Free Gifts

Check out these FREE resources to get started on your artist of life journey


30 Journaling Prompts for Self Discovery

A list of journaling prompts to help you discover more about yourself.

Video: How to Journal
Positive Affirmations for Self Love by Lavendaire

Positive Affirmations for Self Love

Affirmations to reprogram your mind for confidence and self esteem.

Video: Positive Affirmations for Self Love, Self Esteem, Confidence
phone wallpaper bundles

Phone Wallpaper Bundles

An exclusive phone wallpaper bundles featuring 5 empowering quotes from our 2024 Artist of Life Workbook & 10 positive affirmations.


Guided Meditation for Positive Energy

A 20-minute guided meditation to nurture your body, mind, and soul.

Video: Guided Meditation for Positive Energy, Relaxation, Peace

Guided Meditation for Anxiety

A 15-minute guided meditation to help you release tension.

Video: Guided Meditation for Anxiety & Stress

Guided Meditation for Self Love

A 12-minute guided meditation to help you cultivate more self love.

Video: Guided Meditation for Self Love
Sound Bath Healing Meditation by Lavendaire & Leeor Alexandra

Sound Bath Healing Meditation

A 20-minute sound therapy experience with crystal singing bowls.

Video: Sound Healing Guided Meditation
abundance affirmations

Abundance Affirmations

Affirmations to reprogram your mind for money, wealth and prosperity

Video: Money Affirmations | Attract Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth ✨ (Listen Daily!)
guided meditation for positive energy, peace, light

10 Min Guided Meditation for Positive Energy, Peace, Light

A 10-minute guided meditation for positive energy, peace, and light.

Video: 10 Minute Guided Meditation for Positive Energy, Peace & Light

Gratitude Affirmations

Affirmations for gratitude and thankfulness.

Video: Gratitude Affirmations | Daily Affirmations to Attract Positivity & Abundance
5 min abundance meditation

5 Min Meditation for Abundance

A 5-minute meditation for abundance, positive energy and powerful visualization.

Video: 5 Minute Morning Meditation for Abundance 🌿
5 min abundance meditation

5 Min Meditation for Abundance

A 5-minute meditation for abundance, positive energy and powerful visualization.

Video: 5 Minute Morning Meditation for Abundance 🌿

Positive Affirmations audio

Sixteen affirmations to help you reprogram your mind for self love and positive thinking.

Video: How to Glow Up (from the inside out)
healing meditation

Guided Meditation for Healing & Letting Go

A 10-minute guided meditation for healing, letting go, and inner peace.

Video: Guided Meditation for Healing & Letting Go
positive affirmations to change your life

Positive Affirmations to Change Your Life

Affirmations to change your life for the better.

Video: Positive Affirmations to Change Your Life

Guided Meditation for Positivity, Gratitude & Joy

A 10-minute guided meditation for positivity, gratitude & joy to help raise your vibration.

Video: 10 Min Guided Meditation for Positivity, Gratitude & Joy
health affirmations2

Health Affirmations

Affirmations for health and healing.

Video: Health Affirmations | Healing Affirmations for Body, Mind, Spirit 💖
morning affirmations

Positive Morning Affirmations

Affirmations to reprogram your mind for self love, gratitude, confidence, and joy.

Video: Powerful Positive Morning Affirmations
new year affirmations AUDIO

New Year Affirmations

Affirmations to invite new energy and attract the life of your dreams.

Video: Positive Affirmations for the New Year 2023
courage meditation

Guided Meditation for Courage & Confidence

A 15-minute guided meditation for courage & confidence to go after your dreams.

Video: Guided Meditation for Courage & Confidence
manifest 2024 artwork

Manifest Your Dream Life Affirmations

Affirmations to manifest your dream life in 2024

Video: Positive Affirmations to Manifest Your Dream Life
self love affirmations 2

Daily Affirmations for Self Love

Positive affirmations for self love, self esteem, confidence & self worth.

Video: Daily Affirmations for Self Love, Self Esteem, Confidence 💖
Email Courses

Dream Life Series

A 10-part video and email course with worksheets & journal prompts to guide you on how you can create your dream life.

Video: How I Changed My Life
for resources page

30 Day Meditation Challenge

A 4-week email series to help you build the powerful habit of daily meditation and refresh your routines.

Video: 30 Day Meditation Challenge

Personal Growth Challenge

A 10-day email series to help you build up the habit of consistent personal growth by doing both the inner and outer work.

Video: 10 Day Personal Growth Challenge

New Year Challenge

A 10-day email series with exercises to help you take action every day towards your goals or dream life vision.

Video: New Year Challenge: 10 Days of Growth

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