It's tough dealing with your own emotions on a daily basis, but what if you're also dealing with everyone else's? If you can deeply feel others' feelings, if you can actually feel the mood in a room, you're probably an empath!
It's tough dealing with your own emotions on a daily basis, but what if you're also dealing with everyone else's? If you can deeply feel others' feelings, if you can actually feel the mood in a room, you're probably an empath!
If you want a way to stay grounded, try looking up! I'm chatting with coach and author Dr. Ezzie Spencer about the moon: how to keep time with the moon, setting intentions with the cycles, and why we feel connected to it.
Soul, spirit, light. Regardless of what you call it, we all have an inner voice that's always calling us. Rebecca Campbell author Light Is the New Black, teaches us how to tune into that inner voice and let it help us navigate our lives.
Are you allowing your inner GPS to guide you in the right direction? Today’s guest, Lynn Robinson is an bestselling author and leader speaker on developing and trusting our intuition. Through her books and intuitive reading sessions, she helps people reach personal clarity and an understanding of their true calling.
Are you living out of fear of negative consequences? Practice living intuitively, instead. Today's guest, Jo ChunYan, blends graphic design and intuition coaching to live out her true, creative self. This episode will teach you how to listen to your intuition and strengthen it to choose your best path every day of your life.