5: Minimalism Can Change Your Life

There are 300,000 items in the average American home. Think about everything that you own. How much of that stuff is just dead weight, taking up space in your home and cluttering your physical as well as mental space? Today’s episode of The Lavendaire Lifestyle highlights minimalism and its life-changing benefits. Listen as Aileen shares her personal story … Read more

2: Rewrite Your Stories Through the Eyes of Love

Hi my loves, First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the amazing feedback on my first podcast. It meant so much to see all the love and support I have around me. I’m really glad that my stories and lessons could contribute to your life in any way. If you haven’t already, please leave a … Read more

1: Be Stronger Than Your Fears, Bolder Than Your Insecurities

Welcome to the first episode of The Lavendaire Lifestyle! In this new podcast, I will be diving deeper into my personal life stories, and sharing all the lessons that I've learned and wisdom I've gained about creating your dream life. New episodes will be released every Sunday.

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Closet Tour | How I Organize with KonMari

Closet Blog

If you guys have been following my spring cleaning series lately, you'll know that I've been talking about Kondo-ing my closet for a while now. Today, I'm taking you all behind the scenes on a little closet tour to show you how I've personally put the KonMari method to work.

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How to Organize Your Closet the KonMari Way

Organizing Closet KonMari

Since I finished reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, I've been seriously inspired to tidy up my home and my life. Kondo advocates to tidy by category, the first being Clothes. After deciding which pieces to keep and discarding the rest, the fun process of organizing begins. Today, I'm sharing tips from the book on how to organize your closet the KonMari way.

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How to Tidy the KonMari Way

Tidy Blog

Recently, I read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo and it changed my life. Since Kondo released the English version of her book this past fall, the NYT best-selling book has sold over 2 millions copies, and KonMari has become a worldwide phenomenon. After learning about the KonMari method—which claims that you only need to tidy your home in ONE dramatic swoop, and then never have to do it again—I knew I had to try it out for myself.

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