72: Finding Your True Self through Yoga w/ Kelly Smith

Looking to take your yoga practice deeper? Make sure your practice is catering to YOU and you alone. Today’s guest, Kelly Smith, believes there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to yoga. Through online classes and podcasts, Kelly empowers her students to explore their personal practice beyond the poses.

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42: Health, Wellness and Mindfulness w/ Sarah Anne Stewart

Mindfulness heals all aspects of your health, including your body. Today's guest, Sarah Anne Stewart, left a modeling career to relearn her subconscious patterns around health and wellness. In this episode, Sarah Anne and Aileen talk about how food and diets can be healing with the right mindset.

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38: Mindfulness w/ Rachael Kable, Host of The Mindful Kind

Paying attention to the little things can lead to big change in your life. Today's guest, Rachael Kable, is a mindfulness mentor with a dream to empower people to live more mindfully in meaningful ways. This episode will inspire you to slow down, cultivate awareness, and appreciate your daily life in a new way.

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How to Look Better

how to look better v4

Hi all! Today's video is a real treat: How to Look Better in 2015! Because we all want to look good, right? Actually, it's not all about looks; it's about how you look and what you look at. Perspective and mindfulness. Yum. Now that's attractive.

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Swimming with Love

I try to swim at least once a week. I started a “Swim Mondays” tradition in January and have been going pretty consistently since. Although Swim Mondays has turned into “Swim Any Day of the Week Before the Next Monday Comes,” I’m still quite proud of myself for picking up a new habit and getting … Read more