Productivity: Parkinson’s Law


Have you heard of Parkinson's Law? The law states that a task will swell in importance the more time you allot to complete it, meaning that the more time you give yourself to do something, the more complex and daunting it will seem. The lesson? Set tight deadlines and time limits for tasks. I read about it in The 4 Hour Workweek, and although I'd never heard of it before, it made sense immediately: I (unintentionally) worked Parkinson's law to create and launch my first album!

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Those Soundwaves Vol. 1

  Hi guys! I’m excited to kick off this new series called “Those Soundwaves,” where I share my top three favorite + most played songs of the moment. The three songs in this set are below. Enjoy~ { those soundwaves vol. 1 }      ⟼  Zhu – Paradise Awaits ⟼  Charlotte OC – Hangover ⟼  Tinashe … Read more

October Favorites 2014

Farewell, October~ Here are some of my favorite things from this month! FAVORITES MENTIONED: ⟼ Bite | “Aubergine” Lipstick ⟼ Tarte | “Tipsy” Blush ⟼ Pravana | Silver + Violet ⟼ The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson ⟼ Odezsa | Say My Name (ft Zyra) ⟼ My Fall/Winter Spotify Playlist

A Personal Reminder (Ira Glass)

{ Ira Glass on Storytelling on Vimeo } I first saw this video years ago and I’ve seen it multiple times since. Tonight, I stumbled upon it again and it still strikes me with such impact. I always need to hear this, over and over again. I’ll be honest. My will for creativity has been weak lately. I’m often afraid. The … Read more