The love and peace you're searching for is already inside you, waiting to be revealed. Today's guest, Corinne Zupko, had a lifelong journey with anxiety before revealing her own love through A Course in Miracles. Her book From Anxiety to Love shares the process she used to heal from her anxiety and start loving through love.
personal growth
82: Reconnecting Your Body + Mind w/ Ani Anderson
You are more powerful than you can imagine when it comes to controlling how deeply you are able to experience life. Today's guest, Ani Anderson, helps people tap into their full mind potential by reconnecting the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of living.
79: Community Podcast Q&A #3
We’re back with the third episode of the Community Podcast! We have four members of the Lavendaire Lifestyle Community (from all over the world!) chatting about personal growth and lifestyle design: Calista, Amber, Claudia, and Esther.
The episode explores not taking your work so seriously, dealing with cycles of productivity and laziness, the one question to ask to find your Why, and how to balance responsibilities when you have a lot of them!
How I Changed My Life | Dream Life Series
You have the power to create a life you love. Join the Dream Life Series here.
Today I'm reflecting on how I changed my life over the years. Lavendaire began as a space to share my journey figuring out how to create my dream life… Now, I'm so grateful to be living it and I'm ready to share a thoughtful series on how you can make your dreams a reality too.
75: Finding Your Light w/ Lynette Cenée
Imagine a loving, non-judgmental voice that speaks to you with tender words, telling you that you were created for a magnificent reason. That is your light source. Today’s guest, Lynette Cenée, is a beauty expert, YouTube personality, and believer in magic, love, and light. Through her work, she spreads the message that beauty is two-dimensional and that you are full of light.
74: How to Give a Shift w/ Megan Smith-Gill
“I’m just unlucky.” “I can’t compete with everyone else out there.” What other myths are you letting hold you back from living your best life? Today’s guest, Megan Smith-Gill, is a personal growth ninja and life hacker who wants to bust those limiting beliefs – what she calls “Life’s Biggest Bullshifts”.
March Highlights, Lessons, Favorites (New Tattoo!) | 2018
Reviewing my highlights, lessons & favorites from March. Got a new tattoo, went to Hawaii, hit 500K on YouTube! Also sharing what I'm currently reading and watching at the moment, and ending with a little message for you all (THANK YOU for almost 4 years with Lavendaire!!) 💜
66: Becoming Friends with Your Fear w/ Meera Lee Patel
There’s no magic solution to being successful and that’s the magic: You get to create the solution yourself. Today’s guest, Meera Lee Patel, is self-taught artist who became a best-selling author through years of trial and error. Her work inspires others to connect with themselves, each other, and the world around them.
65: How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t w/ Andrea Owen
Give yourself a break to be human and fall apart. We promise you will always come back out of the darkness and stop feeling like sh*t. Today’s guest, Andrea Owen, is a life coach who wants you to be a new kind of strong by feeling your feelings – all of them – instead of numbing and pushing them down.
Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
This is the story of how I got started with my podcast, and the uncomfortable experiences I had to endure in order to see this project through. As I continue this journey, I'm learning to get more and more comfortable with the uncomfortable.