1: Be Stronger Than Your Fears, Bolder Than Your Insecurities

Welcome to the first episode of The Lavendaire Lifestyle! In this new podcast, I will be diving deeper into my personal life stories, and sharing all the lessons that I've learned and wisdom I've gained about creating your dream life. New episodes will be released every Sunday.

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Knowing Your Mindset: Fixed vs. Growth

Mindset | Lavendaire.com

Do you have the right mindset? This lesson is based off the book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck. After reading about the fixed vs. growth mindsets and their consequences, I knew this concept was too important not to share.

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5 Questions to Create an Amazing Year in 2015

new year planning

Feeling excited for the fresh year? Put it to good use!

Today, I present five questions that will help you close 2014 with a bang and create an amazing year for yourself in 2015. The new year is probably one of my favorite times of the year because there is so much energy, hope, and drive to live our fullest…

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Take Control of Your Time & Attention

{ take control of your time & attention } I’m trying to be more aware of how much time I spend on social media and find ways to be more productive and focused. Turning off push notifications has made such a difference in shifting the power back to myself and getting less distracted during the … Read more

Morning Pages – Write Daily For Clarity, Creativity, Productivity

// Subscribe to Lavendaire to get notified of new videos weekly //  I want to share something that has made such a positive impact on my life this past year. Morning pages have given me a clearer sense of direction and have led me to take key actions in life. Actually, the concept of Lavendaire came … Read more

Reflection: How I’ve Changed in the Past Year

// Subscribe to Lavendaire to get notified of new videos weekly //  How have you changed in the past year? In what ways did you grow and what lessons did you learn? I thought I’d open up the question to see what everyone has been learning about themselves. It’s so interesting to reflect and see how much … Read more

Grad Talk – Advice for New/Recent Grads

It’s been exactly two years since I graduated college! Since this Sunday lands on my exact grad date, I thought it’d be fitting to do a “Grad Talk” post and share some things I’d tell recent grads. Congratulations, class of 2014~ 1. Be excited to start your life!   You can take your life anywhere you … Read more

The Way to Greatness

Thought it’d be fun to start tackling this one. We can all be great. So let’s do it. ^_^ Below are additional links for inspiration on this topic. I highly recommend both of them! I didn’t mention Kevin Durant’s speech in the video because I literally watched it as I was editing the video. I cried … Read more