Kill 'em with kindness. Sharing my favorite quotes on kindness in today's Words of Wisdom series, and why it's so important to be kind to yourself and to others whenever possible. February's theme is self love & self care. Kindness is an essential tool to serve you in your journey toward self acceptance and happiness.
Words of Wisdom 005 | Freedom
I'm so happy to bring back my Words of Wisdom series. Today's words of wisdom come from the Magic Lessons podcast by Elizabeth Gilbert. Freedom is a word I find myself going back to often, and after hearing this quote, I realize why.
Done is better than perfect
Wanted to share this important lesson with you: Done is better than perfect. If you have a project you want to be working on, start now! Start before you're ready, do the work, and don't hold back.
Words of Wisdom 004 | Tony Robbins
I've been meaning to share this bite-sized words of wisdom since I watched the Tony Robbins documentary, I Am Not Your Guru. Let me know what you think about this perspective in the comments!
Just Do It: Lessons on Doing
Lately I've been motivated to focus more on doing, rather than spending too much time thinking, planning, or talking about doing whatever it is I need to get done. These are the three quotes that have taught me more about the power of doing.