Want to stop getting frustrated when people don’t operate the same way you do? Erin Claire Jones breaks down human design as a tool to understand why people are they way they are, how to make the most of these differences at work and in your relationships, and what your human design type needs to feel empowered and in balance.
self discovery tools
Numerology: Finding Your Purpose & Yearly Theme
Have you explored numerology yet? Today I'm sharing two concepts from numerology called the personal year cycle or personal year number, and your life path number. These numbers are easy to calculate from your birthday, and can give you clues on your life purpose and new year theme.
154: Human Design: Discover Your Potential w/ Erin Claire Jones
If you're fascinated by self discovery tools like the MBTI or the enneagram, this episode is perfect for you. We have Erin Claire Jones on the show to teach us about Human Design: an intricate tool to help you navigate life with more harmony and alignment to what feels right.
131: Crystals 101: How to Use Crystals for Beginners w/ Heather Askinosie
Rose quartz, clear quartz, phantom quartz – What's the difference? We love looking at crystals for their beauty, and you've probably heard that crystals are also used for their healing properties. But a lot of people never end up using crystals in a deeper way because there are so many crystals with different colors, shapes, and properties – it's hard to know where to start.
MBTI Explained | Myers Briggs Personality Test
Let's talk about the Myers Briggs Personality Test! Of the 16 personalities, which type are you? Learn all about the MBTI functions.