A photography tutorial on how I take selfies for Instagram & edit photos in Lightroom for that dreamy, airy look 🌝
self love
Summer Self Care + Skincare Routine
Getting back into self care! I needed to fill my cup and give back to myself, so I'm resetting my life with a self care routine. Trying some new things (A.I. massage) as well as my tried & true habits (journaling, yoga, clean eating) to reconnect with myself.
120: Self Love, Law of Attraction & Solo Travel w/ Jasmine Lipska
Delighted to have my friend Jasmine Lipska on the podcast! Jasmine is a YouTuber, travel vlogger, author, and content creator. Her passion is bringing inspiration and light to self growth and modern spirituality. She's currently on an indefinite solo travel journey, exploring and working from all around the world.
How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others (A Flower Blooms)
Let's stop comparing ourselves to each other and instead, start loving ourselves and supporting each other fully. This video comes in two parts: A Flower Blooms vignette, and then practical tips on how to stop comparing yourself to others.
Self Worth & Self Esteem | answering your questions
Let’s talk about self worth, self esteem, impostor syndrome, and more! Today I break down why we feel unworthy and not enough, the importance of learning emotional independence, and practical exercises to boost your self worth and confidence.
118: Body Love, Emotional Eating & Healthy Self Care w/ Susan Hyatt
Are you treating your body from a place of love and celebration? Or from a punishment and deprivation? Susan Hyatt is a life coach spreading the message of empowerment: looking at and treating your body with genuine love.
self worth keepsakes (this one made me cry)
Self worth keepsakes = mementos I've kept that remind me to believe in myself and my worth. A lot of us have been conditioned by our parents, school, social media and society to feel “unworthy” or “not good enough” when in reality we are already so worthy. Like building up our self love, recognizing our self worth takes conscious effort.
How to Stop Caring What People Think of You
How to stop caring about what people think of you – my thoughts on how to stop people pleasing, living for others, and being afraid of judgment, criticisms, etc. and how to start living your best life for yourself.
109: Discovering Self Love, Defining Success & Life as a Creator w/ Rowena Tsai
This episode's a highly-requested collaboration with YouTuber/creator Rowena Tsai! Rowena has her own channel on self care and productivity, and also Beauty Within: a beauty & lifestyle channel celebrating inner beauty and wellness.
106: Body Shame, Self Love & Authenticity as an Online Influencer w/ Amy Lee
Today's podcast episode is a real talk with Amy Lee, an online creator who explores everything fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. Amy's work inspires everyone to know that they have a voice, and to feel empowered to be a better version of themselves every day.