103: Self Love + Believing “I Am Enough” w/ Marisa Peer

How would your life change if you started believing “I am enough”? Today's guest, Marisa Peer, is a celebrity therapist and hypnotherapy trainer who wants you to stop believing in the stories you've been told, the stories that make you seek validation and make you say “Sorry” for everything.

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101: Move + Meditate w/ Kait Hurley

Exercise and meditation can be incredible life-changing habits, but they're both also the hardest ones to commit to. Digital fitness entrepreneur Kait Hurley is trying to change that through her Move + Meditate practice that helps people cultivate stronger, more resilient bodies and minds.

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96: Radical Self Love w/ Gala Darling

Make feeling good your priority in life, and every day. The rest of what you want will follow. Today's guest is speaker and author of “Radical Self Love” and “Radical Radiance” Gala Darling. Through her self love techniques and resources, she teaches women everywhere how to fall in love with themselves and life.

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90: Balancing Your Masculine & Feminine w/ Maddy Moon

Do you ever feel like you're out of balance, but no matter how hard you try, you can't find what you're missing and don't feel like you're ‘enough'? To start off Season 4 of The Lavendaire Lifestyle Podcast, we have Madelyn Moon sharing why you should stop trying so hard: What you're looking for is already inside you, and you can bring it out to find your balance, if you just slow down.

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42: Health, Wellness and Mindfulness w/ Sarah Anne Stewart

Mindfulness heals all aspects of your health, including your body. Today's guest, Sarah Anne Stewart, left a modeling career to relearn her subconscious patterns around health and wellness. In this episode, Sarah Anne and Aileen talk about how food and diets can be healing with the right mindset.

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You Are Enough: Self Worth & Comparison Traps

you are enough lavendaire

you are enough lavendaire

Do you ever find yourself stuck in that “comparison trap” where you're getting major Insta-envy? Here's an exercise to turn that negative & insecure experience into a positive & empowering one.

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