“Find your gift. Give it away. That’s living.”
—josh pan
How to Look Better
Hi all! Today's video is a real treat: How to Look Better in 2015! Because we all want to look good, right? Actually, it's not all about looks; it's about how you look and what you look at. Perspective and mindfulness. Yum. Now that's attractive.
Those Soundwaves Vol. 2
Hi loves, happy new year! It’s time to share my top three favorite songs of the moment a la Those Soundwaves! This episode’s picks are all female vocalists, because I’m just biased like that. Hope you take a listen to the songs below and please do let me know which one is your favorite! Don’t forget to follow my Spotify playlist if you want to hear more, and make sure to subscribe if you want to stay in the loop and be a cool kid!
December Favorites 2014: Korean Skincare Haul, Bobble, Pivotal Tracker 1
Hi guys! Here are my favorite things in the month of December. I am still obsessed with all of the skincare products that I got from my trip to Seoul – these are my favorites and I highly recommend each and every one of them! I'm so happy to have discovered these Korean skincare brands: they're high quality, generous with product, and easy on the wallet… this is a huge game changer for me.
Things To Do During a Layover in Taipei (Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport)
On the way home from Seoul, my friend and I had a five hour layover in Taipei at the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TPE). At first, I had planned to find a comfortable seat and edit videos the entire time. That is, until we started walking around and discovering all of the awesome amenities and galleries that the airport … Read more
Hair Care + Favorite Products for Bleached / Pastel Hair
I get a lot of questions about my hair so here’s a full video on how I take care of my bleached / pastel hair and my favorite haircare products! Below are the key points + product links. Feel free to drop any questions below~ { how to take care of bleached / damaged / pastel … Read more
Habit Stacking
Habit Stacking is a simple way to build new habits by taking advantage of your current ones. Improve your lifestyle one small habit at a time. Eventually, those small changes will compound and make a big difference in your life in the future! ▸ Habit Stacking article: https://bit.ly/1x5Fuhd
Find Those Moments Where You Shine
Best part of this video is that I get to abuse my favorite emoji and insert some kawaii sounds ^_^. But yes, find those moments where you SHINE, where you find yourself in a blissful state of flow and you are at your best. Take note of those moments, and create opportunities to do more … Read more
Analog Creative Day (Inspired by Steal Like an Artist)
{ transcript } Today’s video is inspired by the book Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon. In the book, the author talks about how important it is to incorporate analog activities back into the creative process. What this basically means is to go old school and create with your hands. Kleon says that “Computers … Read more
BTS: Photoshoot with Lavendaire
Check out the behind the scenes vlog for my first photoshoot for Lavendaire~ Also, here’s an exclusive preview shot: ⤜ CREDITS ⤛ Photographer: Daniel Nguyen { Nuggets McAdams } Daniel Nguyen Photography https://www.d-nguyenphotography.com/ Instagram: @dnguyenphotography Assistant/Creative: Clay Boonthanakit { Dumplings McAdams } https://www.youtube.com/user/ClaydohBoon BTS Videographer: Tiger Souvannakoumane { The Tiger } https://www.youtube.com/user/mrtigerrr I’m excited to … Read more