It's the holiday season! In this video, I picked out some of my favorite things that would make great gifts for any loved one. Hope you enjoy this one. I'm quite proud of the eye candy I've created here ^_^
August Favorites 2015 + Updates
Lavendaire | Artist of Life
Make Your World More Beautiful
I’ve been reading A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson all month, and it’s been so healing and inspiring. I had gotten too caught up with chasing goals and ambitions in January that I started to feel scatterbrained, like there was a piece of the puzzle that was missing. This book literally brought me back to love, and reminded me to put love first, because love should always be our first priority.
Discovering Seoul
In this video, my friends and I arrive in Seoul, South Korea! First, we explore the neighborhood of Hongdae and eat (Korean) BBQ the first evening. The next day, we meet up with my high school friend, Hyun, who is so kind to take us around the city and help us plan our sightseeing + eating + shopping week in Seoul. Watch the video after the jump~
The 5 Love Languages
Do you know what your primary love language is? The 5 Love Languages is a concept made popular by Dr. Gary Chapman in his book, The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts.
Find out what your love language is, and also what your loved ones speak. It’s crazy how real and effective this concept is—you’ll learn how to understand and love others better and how to communicate with others to love you better.
Taipei Ep. 4: Sightseeing, Museums, Eating, Shopping

How to Look Better
Hi all! Today's video is a real treat: How to Look Better in 2015! Because we all want to look good, right? Actually, it's not all about looks; it's about how you look and what you look at. Perspective and mindfulness. Yum. Now that's attractive.